ANO Bureau is a Ukrainian Real-Estate startup that provides CGI rendering services to the American market. The headliner of the project is Andrew Kulenko, CGI Artist with 10 years of the experience.
So, I designed a website for them
What work did I do:
- Identity design
- Desktop UI design
- Mail lists design
Project member as a support designer.
Identity based on a square forms and natural colours.
The idea of ​​the logo designed from the association with cottages with square roofs, which occupy the main volume of works in the studio's portfolio.
I noticed that most of the renders have a green color. Therefore, it was decided to integrate it into the identity for a pleasant visual combination of graphic objects with images.​​​​​​​
Website design
The design of the website is based on simple forms and minimalism. The focus is on renders and text.
The main page tells about the project and contains redirects to all the main blocks and pages.
The first stage in creating a design was the creation of wireframes in cooperation with a marketer. A lot of work was done, which included the creation of layouts where we displayed the location of the blocks, the customer's path through the site and all the main screens.
After that I started the design process.
13 screens were designed, which included the main pages and various pop-ups and pages of articles and sneak peeks of the studio's work.
The main task of the site was to attract new B2B clients to the studio. For this, a strategy was chosen to pay maximum attention to renderings and convey the beauty and sophistication of each picture.
That's why all visual blocks have large square images, prominent titles, and elegant hover animations that don't take away the main focus.
At the end of each page there is a form that allows you to leave an application or download additional documents, such as a price list.
Presentations, mails and internal documentation design
The design of the website is based on simple forms and minimalism. The focus is on renders and text.
The main page tells about the project and contains redirects to all the main blocks and pages.
There list of documents that have been designed:
- Price List (for Clients)
- Brief Template (for Clients)
- Estimation cases (for Managers)
- Sales manager (for Managers)

Total, I designed and created 115 pages